Ovanligt söt film för att vara på Newgrounds.
Den var dock lite konstig med skägget och det, men det var snygg animation och stil på filmen.
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Ovanligt söt film för att vara på Newgrounds.
Den var dock lite konstig med skägget och det, men det var snygg animation och stil på filmen.
jupps lite ovanlig minst sagt (^_^)
Asså meningen med skägget är egentligen att rår är deprimerad med flit för att inte behöva ta tag i något i sitt liv och använder skäggbristen som ursäkt för att få vara deprimerad och bara glo på TV hela dagarna.
I liked it, but I want to know where u got the zombie sprites? I've been searching 'em for like an eternity. Please respond. :p
I got the Zombie Sprites from http://sprites.fireball20xl.com, the Zombie Sprites are from "Zombie Ate my Neighbours" Game
Its GÖRAN PERSSON you moron!!! And he is bald. Did you even do any backchecking before making this?! ARGH
that is the stupid reason i ever got a 0..You should become maths teacher
You made me sign in just to vote 0 to this! Shame on you!!
i loevs j00
Ok people...
I know some ppl on newgrounds is retarded, so heres a tip : It's a movie clip so right click and press forward, or else it wont work.
You must have got my BROKEN version :S I updated it now... Sorry for before I forgot that it was in a movie clip...
Väldigt rörande film måste jag säga... Bra jobbat!
Tusen takk din svanske mann
Cool movie! that was cool! Are you going to make new Skaters of Area K.O.? And please respond to this. Where did you get the skateboard sounds? It's so freaking hard to get, you know what I'm saying..? plz respond
Yah, I think enough people like it, so I'm going to make a sequel. I got the sounds at stickslaughter.com
YOU OWN!!!! HAHAHA I HAVENT LAUGHED LIKE THIS SINCE I DIDNT SLEEP IN TWO DAYS!!! HAHAHA!!!!!! I loved the part when he said like "Hey, try to catch the door!" "Okay.. ow!"
ha ha you love caps.. :)
It was cool, but theres one problem.. try to make the mouths good and u might come up on top 20.
Cheers and i know my weak areas, and i hope too be in the top 20 soon.
Joined on 7/10/03